Butternut Pepitas, 1 lb


  • Ingredients: NY grown and roasted butternut squash seeds, salt.
  • Resealable 1 pound foil bag
  • Uses: eat as a snack or sprinkle over salads, soups or grind in food processor as a gluten-free, nut-free alternative to bread crumb topping.
  • Shelf life: one year.
  • Nutrition: Seeds are a good source of protein and contain lutein, beta carotene, Vitamins E and A.

12 in stock


Our brined and roasted butternut squash seeds (aka butternut pepitas) are a crispy crunchy snack you can eat straight from the bag or sprinkled over salads. The seeds have a lightly salty, savory flavor similar to those jack o’ lantern seeds your Mom used to roast in the oven after Halloween.

Seeds are high in Vitamin E, and beneficial antioxidants like lutein and beta carotene. These are the same seeds we roast and press to create our butternut squash seed oil.

The seeds have hulls that are softened by brining and roasting and do not need to be removed before eating; they should be eaten whole.

Butternut pepitas,
1 lb (454 g) resealable foil bag, $15.00

Additional information

Weight1.2 lbs
Dimensions2 × 7 × 8 in


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