How to Use & Store
Seed Oils | Pumpkin & Butternut Pepitas | Raw Seeds | Seed Protein Powders
Using & Storing Seed Oils
Stony Brook oils are whole-seed, first-press, unrefined oils that we press year-round for maximum freshness, flavor, nutrients and color. The oils vary in fat profile, smoke points, nutrients – and these properties affect how you can use them.
Cooking oils vs. finishing oils
Cooking oils are stable at high heats and suitable for cooking and grilling, but are also fine to use on salads or other cold dishes to provide flavor. Finishing oils are most flavorful right out of the bottle, drizzled on dishes before serving–such as drizzling on sauteed vegetables or salads at dinner, or even oatmeal at breakfast or vanilla ice cream for dessert!
Oil Flavors
Oils vary in flavor and color, depending on the seed variety and the amount of roasting they receive prior to pressing. Stony Brook’s butternut squash seed and pumpkin seed oils have robust nutty flavors that result from gentle roasting prior to pressing. Flax and sunflower oils, on the other hand, are made from raw, unroasted seed and have subtle, mild flavors that complement your dishes.
smoke points | shelf life | storing | serving ideas | techniques
How do you use squash seed oils?
Squash seed oils can be used as a flavorful alternative to olive oil or butter in a wide variety of dishes, from salad dressings to soups to brushed on grilled or roasted vegetables. The most popular ways to use the oils are listed below.
Oil Variety | Smoothies, yogurt | Salad dressing | Baking | Sautéing | Grilling | Smoke points/maximum heat |
Butternut Squash Seed Oil | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 425 F, medium to medium high heat |
Roasted Pumpkin Seed Oil | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 250 F, low heat only | ||
Sunflower Seed Oil | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 350 F medium high heat, no frying |
Flax Oil | ✔ | ✔ | 200 F, avoid heating |
How to Use
Some serving ideas are below. Looking for more suggestions? Click here.
Butternut Squash Seed Oil: over popcorn, salads, mashed potatoes, brushed on vegetables or fish before roasting or grilling.
Sunflower Seed Oil: in pasta or potato salad, marinades for chicken, salmon or pork
Pumpkin Seed Oil: drizzled over green beans, spinach, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, avocado
Flax Oil: drizzled over green beans, spinach, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, avocado
All Oils: great added to rice, couscous, pasta, drizzled on soups, dips, or sliced fruit like canteloupe or mango
How to store seed oils & expected shelf life
Store your seed oils away from light in a cool, dry place. Oils may be refrigerated (or even frozen) to extend shelf life, though the oils will become cloudy and more difficult to pour when chilled. Once a bottle is opened, it is best to use within six months for optimal flavor.
Because the oils contain a high amount of Vitamin E–a naturally occurring preservative–they are shelf stable at room temperature for over a year but flavors will diminish with time. As with most oils, light is the most damaging to quality and shelf stability, so store all your oils away from light.
How can I tell if the oil is still OK to use?
Oil bottles that have been opened and stored at room temperature for more than six months have likely oxidized and should be discarded (oxidized cooking oil has a faint odor of oil paint or stale nuts). We recommend storing oils that are not likely to be used up within a few months in your refrigerator. Refrigerated oil will be cloudy, this is normal. Allow it to reach room temperature before using for best flavor and consistency.
Smoke points: recommended cooking temperatures & techniques
Each squash seed oil differs slightly in its composition due to the unique characteristics of each seed variety. Each has a different smoke point according to its saturated fat and monounsaturated fat content. Since our oils are unrefined (lightly filtered via a mechanical process, not a chemical process), there is also fine sediment in the oil which further reduces the smoke point.
You can blend the oils with your usual cooking oils to increase the smoke points: like butter (ideally clarified butter, which has a smoke point of 500 degrees), coconut oil or peanut oil.
Butternut Squash Seed Oil: 425 degrees F, similar smoke point to peanut oil, suitable for grilling, roasting, baking and sauteeing. We do not recommend frying with this oil.
Roasted Pumpkin Seed Oil: 250 degrees F. Due to the fragile fatty acids in pumpkin seed oil, we do not recommend cooking with it. Drizzle it over your dishes prior to serving.
Flax Seed Oil: 200 degrees F. Due to the fragile omega-3 oils in the oil, we do not recommend cooking with flax oil. Drizzle it over your dishes prior to serving.
Sunflower Seed Oil: 350 degrees F. Because our sunflower seed oil is expeller-pressed and unrefined, it has a lower smoke point than commercially refined oils. It is fine for cooking with medium to medium-high heat sautéing or baking.
Using & Storing Butternut and Pumpkin Pepitas
Stony Brook’s pepitas snacks are made from two types of seed, one is the seed of the butternut squash and is similar in texture to jack o’lantern seeds; the other is the seed of an oilseed pumpkin, which has a soft green hull without the chewy seed coat. Both pepitas varieties are brined with sea salt and roasted and are ready to eat right out of the bag. They can also be sprinkled on yogurt, soups, salads to add a flavorful crunch. You can also put them in a blender or Cuisinart to make a crunchy topping for fish or chicken.
The shelf life of the seeds unopened are one year, and once the package is open, we recommend storing in an airtight container or using within one month after opening.
Using & Storing Raw Pumpkin Seeds
Stony Brook raw pumpkin seeds are harvested in the fall each year, and then rinsed and dried to maintain shelf stability. Raw seed is slightly chewy compared to our brined and roasted varieties. All of our seeds are handled and packaged in a nut-free, wheat-free, dairy-free facility.
Our raw pumpkin seeds make a great substitute for almonds or walnuts, or for those looking for a nut-free alternative. They are ready to add to your baked goods like quick breads, sprinkled into yogurt or trail mixes, or to make homemade seed butters. They can be lightly toasted in the oven (375 degrees F for 10 minutes) and added to soups, hummus, pesto, or sauteed vegetables.
The shelf life of raw seeds unopened are one year, and once opened, we recommend storing in the original packaging and using within six months. To further extended shelf life and maintain quality, the seeds may be refrigerated or frozen in an airtight container.
Using & Storing Seed Protein Powders
Stony Brook protein powders are made from milled seeds that are first expeller-pressed to make seed oil. The powders contain only one ingredient–with no added salt, sugar or processed fillers–and therefore a clean, whole food source of protein. The powder is a good source of plant-based dietary fiber as well as protein, as well as minerals such as zinc, copper, manganese, and magnesium. These are the same seeds we roast and press to create our culinary seed oils.
You can use seed protein powders just like you use any other protein powder. Add it to a smoothie or shake for breakfast or a pre- or post-workout protein boost. Sprinkle on oatmeal or fruit salad. You can also simply blend protein powder with your favorite milk. For added protein, blend in a few tablespoons into your flours in baked goods like brownies, muffins or pancakes.
The shelf life of seed powders are approximately three months, and once opened, we recommend storing in the original packaging in the refrigerator. To further extended shelf life and maintain quality, the powders may be stored in the freezer.